
The Blue Hole
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        Kindle format e-book

        PRINT VERSION Paperback  

232  pages

ISBN-10: 1493679139 
ISBN-13: 978-1493679133

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The Blue Hole is a story of how faith can blind and how faith can heal. Dan Gilman’s trust in the Church and his strong bond with his staunchly Catholic family lead him to believe a priest’s claim that he will make Dan walk again when he is paralyzed in a 1972 diving accident. 

The priest, father Edward Paquette, is not a miracle worker, but a pedophile who had been dismissed from numerous churches in Massachusetts and Indiana for molesting young boys. 

Protected by the church, who considers him a risk worth taking, Paquette is passed on from parish to parish until he lands at Christ the King Church in Rutand, Vermont only weeks before Dan’s accident.

Sometimes heartbreaking, often inspiring, Dan Gilman’s frank and compelling memoir is a trek across the highs and lows of the life of a quadriplegic who struggles with memories of his exploitation at the hands of the man who he believed spoke for God.